You want to know who the Akatsuki are? I can't beleive you don't know them! Well the akatsuki are a group of crimmanals on the TV show Naruto. On at 9:00 pm every Saturday night on cartoonetwork.  But the first akatsuki members we meet are Itachi and Kisame. That is proounced: [I tach i] [Kiss om a]. They are after the main charecter of the show Naruto for him holding the nine tailed fox demon. It can give the akatsuki massive power. Itachi and Kisame first showed on Naruto episode 80. Next came Zetsu [zet sue] who has a veus fly trap apperance. He has a black side and a white side. They usally disagree with eachother. He showed up at the end of Naruto episode 134. Then you have to wait for the next generation of Naruto which is called Naruto shippuuden. Then we meet Deidara and Sasori. [De dar a] [Sas or i]. They were after the demon shakaku sealing in Naruto's friend who used to be evil Gaara of the desert. [Gar a]. Deidara sucseeded and soon the akatsuki got the demon's power. Which this kills Gaara. The akatsuki have a nine eyed sealing statue and all the akatsuki memebers stand on one finger of a hand that is part of the saeling statue. The next one we met was in a manga soon to be on the anime. Their names are Hidan and Kakuzu. [Hi den] [Ka kuz oo]. They are both immoetal. Kakuzu steals heats from other ninjas and Hidan just can't die. Hidan also is a Jashinest which is his religon that he beleives in a little too much. Then we met in the mangas Konan and Pein. [cone an] [pain]. Pein is the leader of the akatsuki and Konan and Pein were best friends as kids. Both their parents were killed in a war. Pein used to be named Nagato. I don't really know how to pronounce it though. Pein has this eye move called the rinagen well I don't remember how to spell it but you get it right? The eyes help him with his summoning which he can summon 5 other Peins! Click on the link below to see the 6 Peins. Konan can turn her body to paper. When she was a kid she loved origami. And that is all you should need to know about them.
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