Fanfiction by owner Akatsukigirl312:

Slight bad languge on this story. WARRNING!                                                   

This is my story. XFamousXLastXWordsX Is my friend on


Akatsuki talk show! Starring: Gaaragirl312{Me}, Hidan, and XFamousXLastXWordsX!

{Screams and crowd cheers.}

Gaaragirl312: Welcome to our show! Here is Deidara with todays wether real quick!

Deidara: First off a question Gaaragirl312. Why am I in girl clothes hmm!?

Kakuzu: I am being paid Deidara so just do it! {You basterd.}

Deidara: Today we are going to have slight rain showers on Kakuzu’s head. And its going to be cloudy hmm.

Kakuzu: {Rain storm appears over Kakuzu’s head} I hate you Deidara.

Gaaragirl312: Today we are having XFamousXLastXWordsX on the show here to talk to Hidan about her stories with him!

Hidan: What! Her, she makes me look like a cursing freak.

Gaaragirl312: Well you kind of already are.

Hidan: What the hell you F…… Bitch! I do not F…… curse to freaking much!

Gaaragirl312: Thanks for proving me right Hidan.

Hidan: {Slaps hand on head}

Crowd: {laughs}

Gaaragirl312: Hey XfamousXLastXWordsX what do you want to say to Hidan today?

XFamousXLastXWordsX: I have to ask this, why is Hidan so vilont?

Hidan: I don’t freaking know, This is your worst idea ever Gaaragirl312,

Gaaragirl312: What I kill you again, I mean I wish I could.

Hidan: I hate my life. Got to kill myself {tries to stick kuni in heart.}

Crowd: {Laughs}

Hidan: Gaaragirl312 you are F…… dead you bitch.

XfamousXLastXWordsX: Stop yelling at Gaaragirl312, Hidan.

Hidan: Ah F…! You, f… you.

XfamousXLastXWordsX: Well you use the that word more than me.

Hidan: why are you even here?!

XfamousXLastXWordsX: It’s a living.

Hidan: Oh great. This is a freaking waste of my time, that’s it I am getting out of here.

Kakuzu: Get back here basterd! You still have a few more lines!

Hidan: I am never going back there, never!

Gaaragirl312: Thanks to Hidan, the talk show part is now over.

Crowd: Ahhh. {Throws stuff at Hidan} Booooooo.

Hidan: {Runs out of town with people throwing rocks at him.}

Gaaragirl312: Wait we still have to have some entertainment don’t we?

Crowd: Duh!

Gaaragirl312: Here is Deidara and Sasori making some art.

Currtins open: Deidara and Sasori fighting about what to make.

Deidara: Oh hello, I am still in girl clothes, crap hmm.

Sasori: Just live with it. Hello crowd, Uh, today we are going to make paintings… yeah.

Deidara: We are going to paint explosives!

Sasori: No we are going to paint puppets you mean right?

Deidara: No explosives!

Sasori: Puppets!

Crowd: {Yawns}

Sasori and Deidara begin to fight.

Crowd: {Begins to cheer.}

Gaaragirl312: Now for a comercial break.

Comerical: Come sign up for the Akatsuki gang. Its free and easy! Your membership also incudes fun activites like missions and taking over the world, I’m Pein and I highly sugjest that you join, or else.

Comercel: ends and crowd goes up to Pein asking to sign up.

Pein: Thanks Gaaragirl312 for putting that up.

Gaaragirl312: That is all for today!

Kakuzu : And you better pay! Or else, oh and Hidan get back here you basterd!

Gaaragirl312: {Ties Kakuzu and Hidan up} That is all byeeeeeeeeee.


I love doing that. And no, I did not make up what XfamousXLastXWordsX said. I don’t do that. And yes I know the whole thing is bolded.

Kakuzu: Gaaragirl312! Hidan is destroying the… {Lights go out}.

Gaaragirl312: Thank you for watching! Hey get back here you Basterd Hidan.


Pein: Thank goodness.

Tobi: Yay Tobi made the sign!

Pein: I still am not letting you join.

Tobi: {Cries and eyes turn red.}

Pein: Holy crap… bleep.

I love doing that at the end.


Hope you enjoyed this story







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